Our typefaces are available in trial version. You can easily get individual family on their individual pages or you can download the full package here.

Want to test?

We know how important it is to be able to try before you buy. So we are offering free trial fonts of our typefaces for you to download. After submitting the form you will receive an email containing all of our typefaces for you to try. The trial fonts e-mail contains all trial versions of all of our font families.

Why do we need your information?

We are making sure that our product are not used for commercial projects. We do not use your information for any marketing purpose nor do we share it with any partners.

What contains the package?
1. OTFs Files
The current package include all the otf files that will let you explore and test the typeface in a desktop environment. We do not currently supply trial webfonts.
2. Specimen PDF
In order to give you access to the whole spectrum of each family, we joined a PDF showcasing all the glyphs, the fonts, the weights and the styles.
3. User Agreement
As the files you are going to download fall under a trial purpose, we just help you to clarify the context of its usage through our EULA document.
4. Blender File
We have had some fun using some typefaces in 3D. We provide you with a blender file with which you can explore different way of using typefaces.